lock log->mutex
write redo log buffer to disk
unlock log->mutex
Fsync写磁盘耗时较长且不占用log->mutex,也就是其执行期间其他线程可以write log buffer;
假定一次fsync需要10ms,而写buffer只需要1ms,则fsync执行期间最多可以有10条redo record写入buffer,则下次调用fsync时可一次性写10条记录;
Mysql 从 5.0 开始支持2PC,在代码实现时为了保证Binlog中的事务顺序和事务commit顺序一致,放弃了Group Commit。
如果Binlog顺序不一致,那么备库就无法确保和主库有一致的数据。这个问题直到 mysql 5.5 才开始部分修复,到 mysql 5.6 完全修复。
在 mysql 5.5 中,只有当 sync_binlog = 0 时,才能使用 group commit,在 mysql 5.6中都可以进行 group commit。
1. Prepare Innodb:
a) Write prepare record to Innodb's log buffer
b) Sync log file to disk -- redo组提交
c) Take prepare_commit_mutex
2. "Prepare" binary log:
a) Write transaction to binary log
b) Sync binary log based on sync_binlog
3. Commit Innodb:
a) Write commit record to log
b) Release prepare_commit_mutex
c) Sync log file to disk
d) Innodb locks are released
4. "Commit" binary log:
a) Nothing necessary to do here.
为保证binlog按顺序写,prepare redo阶段获取prepare_commit_mutex,直到sync redo前才释放;一次只能有一个事务可获取该mutex,阻碍了group commit;
1 减少fsync
crash recovery时先查看redo log,找出prepared但没有commited或aborted的事务列表,然后检查binlog,如果binlog记录了该事务,则将其commit否则rollback;
由此可见,事务恢复时取决于binlog是否有记录,因此commit innodb时无须调用立即fsync(此时binlog已写入,就算crash也能保证事务提交);
2 细化binlog commit代码,实现组提交
在Oracle MySQL 5.6.15中,binlog group commit模块被重写,这个过程分为3个stage:flush/sync/commit;
1. Ask binary log (i.e. coordinator to prepare
a) Request to release locks earlier
b) Prepare Innodb (Callback to (2.a))
2. Prepare Innodb:
a) Write prepare record to Innodb log buffer
b) Sync log file to disk
3. Ask binary log (i.e. coordinator) to commit
a) Lock access to flush stage
b) Write a set of transactions to the binary log
c) Unlock access to flush stage
d) Lock access to sync stage
e) Flush the binary log to disk
f) Unlock access to sync stage
g) Lock access to commit stage
h) Commit Innodb (Callback to (4.a))
i) Unlock access to commit stage
4. Commit Innodb
a) Write a commit record to Innodb log buffer
1. Flush Stage
leader会不断读取flush queue直到队列为空或者超时,这样允许处理过程中新加入的事务也能得到及时处理;
leader将排队的事务写入binlog buffer,当队列为空时则进入下一阶段;
2. Sync Stage
3. Commit Stage
提交事务,保证所有事务提交顺序同写入binlog一致(innodb hot backup); 为了提升性能,也可选择不按次序提交;
public class MYSQL_BIN_LOG: public TC_LOG
int open_connection(THD* thd);
int close_connection(THD* thd);
int commit(THD *thd, bool all);
int rollback(THD *thd, bool all);
int savepoint_set(THD* thd, SAVEPOINT *sv);
int savepoint_release(THD* thd, SAVEPOINT *sv);
int savepoint_rollback(THD* thd, SAVEPOINT *sv);
int MYSQL_BIN_LOG::commit(THD *thd, bool all)
/* Call batch_commit(). */
int MYSQL_BIN_LOG::batch_commit(THD* thd, bool all)
--将事务加入flush queue,第一个事务为leader,follower阻塞直至完成commit;
if (change_stage(thd, Stage_manager::FLUSH_STAGE, thd, NULL, &LOCK_log))
return finish_commit(thd->commit_error);
THD *flush_queue= NULL; /* Gets a pointer to the flush_queue */
error= flush_stage_queue(&wait_queue);
if (change_stage(thd, Stage_manager::SYNC_STAGE, wait_queue, &LOCK_log, &LOCK_sync))
return finish_commit(thd->commit_error);
THD *sync_queue= NULL; /* Gets a pointer to the sync_queue */
error= sync_stage_queue(&sync_queue);
if (opt_binlog_order_commits)
if (change_stage(thd, Stage_manager::COMMIT_STAGE,
final_queue, &LOCK_sync, &LOCK_commit))
return finish_commit(thd);
THD *commit_queue= NULL;
error= commit_stage_queue(&commit_queue);
final_queue= commit_queue;
final_queue= sync_queue;
return finish_commit(thd);
后记:看到淘宝分享的一篇帖子,在5.6的基础上还有优化的空间,要保证一个事务能成功恢复,只需要保证在binlog commit前将对应事务的redo entry写入磁盘即可,则redo commit/sync完全可以从redo prepare后移到binlog prepare,将其放于flush stage和commit stage之间,将原本N次的log_sys->mutex获取次数降为1次,fsync也变为1次;问题每个事务都要保证其Prepare的事务被write/fsync到redo log文件。尽管某个事务可能会帮助其他事务完成redo 写入,但这种行为是随机的,并且依然会产生明显的log_sys->mutex开销。优化从XA恢复的逻辑我们可以知道,只要保证InnoDB Prepare的redo日志在写Binlog前完成write/sync即可。因此我们对Group Commit的第一个stage的逻辑做了些许修改,大概描述如下:Step1. InnoDB Prepare,记录当前的LSN到thd中; 注:原本此阶段需要获取log->mutex进行的写文件取消,延迟到下一阶段;在原有fsync组提交的基础上实现写文件组提交。Step2. 进入Group Commit的flush stage;Leader搜集队列,同时算出队列中最大的LSN。Step3. 将InnoDB的redo log write/fsync到指定的LSN Step4. 写Binlog并进行随后的工作(sync Binlog, InnoDB commit , etc)通过延迟写redo log的方式,显式的为redo log做了一次组写入,并减少了log_sys->mutex的竞争。目前官方MySQL已经根据我们report的bug#73202锁提供的思路,对5.7.6的代码进行了优化,对应的Release Note如下:When using InnoDB with binary logging enabled, concurrent transactions written in the InnoDB redo log are now grouped together before synchronizing to disk when innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit is set to 1, which reduces the amount of synchronization operations. This can lead to improved performance.简单测试了下,使用sysbench, update_non_index.lua, 100张表,每张10w行记录,innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit=2, sync_binlog=1000,关闭Gtid并发线程 原生 修改后32 25600 2700064 30000 35000128 33000 39000256 29800 38000